Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Car!!

We have a new car!!!!

Since I'm not at school, I thought I'd drive a mini-bus!!!! Sorry - Stew says a land yacht! Seriously - I LOVE it - room for everyone!! (It's so big the back end isn't even in this picture!) And of course notice the color - Stewart made sure it perfectly matched the crimson red on the Alabama tag. I'm calling it the Saban-mobile!
Did we really MEAN to get a car now - NO!!!! We had a perfectly good Volvo SUV - or so we thought!! That was before we discovered that our cute little white, European, supposed to last forever vehicle was infested with MICE!!!! Yes - go ahead - scream!!

Now imagine driving over the mountain and hearing it, but not seeing it! Imagine driving all the way to the Smokies only for your husband to tell you AFTER you get there that he found evidence that they were so bad they had eaten a hole in the car seats!! Imagine still, a grown man, a service manager at a local car lot screaming like a little girl as he jerked a trap with a RAT still alive out of your vehicle that you had just sat through the car line with your five year old! Now imagine all the technicians at the before mentioned car lot coming out to laugh as the rat drug the trap across the parking lot!!!!!

Alfa to the rescue! Filed a claim, got it fixed and TRADED IT IN!!!! I don't want to turn this into a car bashing session, but if you think you own the same type of vehicle, I'll be glad to pass more details along in a private email.



Drea said...

Well Steph....I thought I had encountered every type of car trouble imaginable..... but I can say that is one thing I have NOT had! Love the new ride!

Ashley said...

Omgosh, I have NEVER heard that before, I guess there's a first for everything, yikes is right! Glad you all made it out ok! :) Enjoy the new car!

Melissa Kelly said...

I would have died....I'm terrified of rats!!! So glad you got that fixed and I love the new one!

Nicole said...

OH goodness!!! I would have wrecked!!!!! I can't believe that.

Amy said...

Oh my word!!! I believe I would have passed out! :) Seriously, I HATE rats and mice. I can't believe they got in your car. Glad you got a new one. And love the color! :)

Anonymous said...

Now mice need loving too!!! Steph, for real, what did that little mouse ever do to you? I mean come on, you heard him trying to tell you that he was in there! And still you want to trade the little thing off and send it to some other family that prolly will never know that he's in there either! I'd love to see that carfax!!! :) Congratulations on the new ride!

Jeremy and Johnna said...

I am so very thankful that it was you and not me in the Mice-Mobile (aka Rat-Ride)!! :) Not many things scare me but any sort of rodent makes my skin crawl.