We have the flu - everyone that is except Stewart! I woke up with it Saturday. We sent each girl to a different grandparent and crossed our fingers. By Monday night, it appeared the worse was over so we let Abby come home. Well she woke up early Tuesday morning with it. Mom then called and said Ellie Kate just wasn't acting right. By the end of yesterday we had been to Huntsville Pediatrics twice and everyone had Tamiflu. Abby and I are making it OK with the help of great drugs, but poor little Ellie Kate is too little to take anything. She cried more last night than she has her entire three months combined. Stewart and I prayed and I know our family and friends were praying. Finally around 8:30, she settled down and fell asleep on top of me. She is still one sick little girl, but she hasn't gotten back to that point. Praise the Lord!
Today is Ellie Kate's 3 month birthday - wow how time flies! I will post more later, but it is amazing how far the Lord has brought us. Right now, Stewart is home and offering to take over while I go take a nap - I'm gong to take him up on it!
Park City Utah
3 years ago
Sending well wishes your way :)
You poor thing - and those sweet little girls! (Isn't it just heartbreaking when our kids are sick?) I'll be praying for your family!
I hope everybody gets to feeling better!
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