Sunday, October 18, 2009
Things changed about 2 and a half weeks ago. A phone call started a very swift process that I never expected. Stewart and I have prayed and prayed, and to be honest, I tried to prove that this actually WASN'T God's will!! It became very obvious very quickly that this indeed was God's next step for my life.
This past Friday, I broke the news to my teachers that effective November 6, I was resigning. It was SO bittersweet. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt this is God's path for me right now, but I love those teachers and they have been my family through the darkest days of my life. It's hard to think about not seeing them everyday! The way my leave is working out, I actually will only be in the school one more day - this Friday. Wild how your world can turn around, isn't it??
What am I going to be doing??? I am going to work for ALFA Insurance. I actually worked there in college and my mother has been an agent in Scottsboro for many years. I start my training on November 3rd. The hitch - it's in MONTGOMERY!! FOR FIVE WEEKS!!! It's not quite as bad as it sounds. Most weeks are 4 day weeks, and I think I've got a pretty good system worked out to only be away from home for 3 nights a week. Calling all grandparents - Stewart is going to need you!!!! After training, this position will help me have much more flexibility with my schedule which I know will be much appreciated by my family!
More on my new position soon :)
Winds of change are blowing - trusting that the Lord will prosper us in this new endeavor!
Here is a link to our school blog. My principal posted a sweet good-bye for the parents.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
A close friend of ours told Melissa this week that as he was praying, God let him know that he had sent the angels to watch over Kensley. She was telling me this while the two of us were whispering over Kensley and holding her hands. I'm telling you I almost looked around expecting to see them the feeling was so strong. All day I could picture angels encamping around her protecting her until God was finished touching her little body.
About an hour after we left, Dustin (Daddy) sent me this picture. This is Kensley and her brother Konnor. Have you ever seen a cell phone pick up these kind of details?? I haven't. Here's proof of those angels :)
Maybe one is Olivia. Amy, maybe one is Melissa. I hope so :) It would be an honor.
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Friday, October 16, 2009
Facebook | UPDATE - Friday, September 16 - 3:30 PM
Sorry I've gone all day without posting the updates!
Kensley is doing awesome!!! The ventilator is turned down to zero and there is lots of talk of taking her off very soon and removing the drain. Of course the doctors are being cautious and want to wait until the right time! She is still moving around some.
We are on are way down to see them in just a bit. There is still talk of a transfer to Birmingham next week. Also, the doctor has warned against lots of crowds because of over-stimulation and germs. I think they are starting to realize the ENORMOUS numbers of people who love her and are praying for her!
I hope to have new information when we get there, and maybe a new picture of the diva! Maybe we'll get to see those pretty green eyes soon!
There is a video of Kensley on my FB page that I can't seem to get over to the blog. If you friend me, you can see it :)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Praise the Lord!!!
Keep up the prayers-the road is still long and winding, but God is obviously travelling ahead and smoothing the way!!!
Love to all :)
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Monday, October 12, 2009
Praying for Kensley!
Thank you for all of your prayers - we are BELIEVING in miracles!!!
BTW - feel free to copy my button on the side and add it to your blog!
Happy Fall Break!
We had our official Daisy Scout Investiture ceremony tonight. I'm so glad no one caught on fire!!! Lots of pictures :)
This is Ellie Kate's, "DUH - I HATE shoes" look! We spent the whole weekend trying to keep with the shoes she threw off until I finally gave into my redneck roots :)
Thursday, October 8, 2009