We did it!!! Our first Swim for Melissa and we had a blast!! Abby raised $500.00!!!! This year she was an individual swimmer, but next year we want a BIG team! Come on friends and Fam - get ready!!
Here are some pictures from the morning. It was SO good to finally get to hug Amy! It seems like we've been through so much for so long, but we never actually knew each other!! She and Mom had a moment too - Mimi is a Amy fan :) Just a sweet, sweet day :) Amy even came out just to cheer on Abby - too precious! We look forward to this being an annual family tradition!
What a beautiful day. :-) God has such a perfect plan to take care of His children. I will never forget after Olivia died - because I unfortunately KNEW the pain Stephanie was going through - searching and praying and praying and searching for some source of comfort for those empty arms and aching heart. One night I was on WHNT's website looking for a news story I had heard about, and through divine providence :-) clicked on Amy's blog. The very night that she was sharing some of her hurt and her faith when Melissa died. I sent Steph the link, and God gave MY family an incredible link to His comfort and His strength through Amy George. Thank you God! (And Amy!) As I told Danny about our "meeting" this morning (what a sweet, heartfelt embrace - not enough of those anymore!) I watched my "tough" man tear up - just like God, he's happy when his girls are taken care of. :-) And SO PROUD of Mimi's little princess for her wholehearted efforts at helping such a great cause! (I love you so much, Abby!!) What a wonderful life with such a wonderful Father watching over us and choreographing our lives. (Amy - I apologize for all those years I was watching the wrong channel - LOL)
Steph you need to remind me next year because I know McKenzie will join Abby's team and I think Morgan might too! :)
It was SO GREAT seeing your family this weekend!! I feel like we've known each other forever. What a bond we share. And how great to see Mimi!! She is so precious. I have absolutely loved corresponding with her over email since we first "met" through email. She is such a precious woman with such a strong faith and love for God - and so much wisdom. Your family is just absolutely precious!
Abby did great - she is such a beautiful little girl. And that EK - she has grown! Thank you so much for being part of this year's Swim for Melissa. Can't wait to see Abby's team next year!
I know that Olivia and Melissa were proud of their families this weekend. And I'm pretty sure they had a front row seat!
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